Daniel Ninio Roxby

Research Fellow @ NTU

Daniel obtained his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering in 2012, his Masters of Biomedical Engineering in 2014 and his PhD in 2020, all from the University of Technology Sydney. His PhD was on the use of biofuel cells for powering implanted medical devices. Whilst he originally studied Electrical Engineering, he has since worked in several areas including electronics, mechanical engineering, radioastronomy, chemical synthesis, bioelectrochemistry, microbiology and recently cell therapy and manufacturing.

His research interests include iPSC based cell therapy, cell manufacturing and medical devices. He is currently working on Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry and Raman spectroscopy as label free tools for assessing quality and safety of iPS and spinal cord progenitor cells in cell therapy and manufacturing. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) are famously useful in cell therapy for their ability to turn into any cell type within the body (pluripotency). Likewise, in cell manufacturing, iPSCs are significant for their ability to grow perpetually(self-renewing).

But when iPSCs grow passage to passage, they are known to be sensitive and heterogenous such that even something as simple as vibration can affect them. On one hand, this is a quality issue as iPSCs and their progeny are variable. On the other hand, this is a safety issue. If these variable cells were implanted, it is known that tumours could be formed.

This project seeks to use magnetic resonance of paramagnetic ions within cells to identify high quality iPSCs, whilst Raman is used to identify residual iPSCs within spinal cord progenitor cells, for safety checks.

Website (External Link)


Featured CAMP Publications


Jerome Tan, Jiahui Chen, Daniel Roxby, Wai Hon Chooi, Tan Dai Nguyen, Shi Yan Ng, Jongyoon Han, Sing Yian Chew

Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry to Evaluate the Safety and Quality of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells

Stem Cell Research & Therapy, accepted for publication; Nov 20, 2024



Ching Ann Tee (SMART), Daniel Ninio Roxby (SMART), Rashidah Othman (SMART), Vinitha Denslin (NUS), Kiseer Sideeq Bhat (SMART), Zheng Yang (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Lisa Tucker-Kellogg (Duke-NUS) & Laurie A. Boyer (MIT/SMART)

Metabolic modulation to improve MSC expansion and therapeutic potential for articular cartilage repair

Stem Cell Research & Therapy, Volume 15, Article number: 308 ; Sep 16, 2024



Tan Dai Nguyen (SMART), Wai Hon Chooi (ASTAR-IMCB), Hyungkook Jeon MIT), Jiahui Chen (NTU), Jerome Tan (NTU), Daniel N. Roxby (SMART), Cheryl Yi-Pin Lee (ASTAR-IMCB), Shi-Yan Ng (ASTAR-IMCB), Sing Yian Chew (NTU), Jongyoon Han (SMART/MIT)

Label-Free and High-Throughput Removal of Residual Undifferentiated Cells From iPSC-Derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells

Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Advance access publication, ; Feb 07, 2024


Featured CAMP Presentations


Ching Ann Tee, Daniel Ninio Roxby, Antony Dhasan Josphin Denslin, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg, Laurie A. Boyer

Metabolic modulation in MSC manufacturing to improve MSC therapeutic potential for articular cartilage repair.

World Smart Bioprocessing Summit: Pharma 4.0 2023, , Berlin, Germany.



Jerome Tan, Jiahui Chen, Daniel Roxby, Wai Hon Chooi, Tan Dai Nguyen, Ng Shi Yan, Chew Sing Yian, Jongyoon Han

Label-Free Assessment of Differentiation Efficiency in iPSC-derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells via Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry (MRR)

Singapore Cell & Gene Therapy Conference 2023, Singapore



Ching Ann Tee, Daniel Ninio Roxby, Antony Dhasan Josphin Denslin, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg, Laurie A. Boyer

Metabolic modulation in MSC manufacturing to improve MSC therapeutic potential for articular cartilage repair

Singapore Cell & Gene Therapy Conference 2023, Singapore



Daniel Roxby (NTU), Tan Dai Nguyen (SMART), Jerome Tan (NTU), Jiahui Chen (NTU), Wai Hon Chooi (A*STAR IMCB), Shi-Yan Ng (A*STAR IMCB), Sing Yian Chew (NTU), Jongyoon Han (MIT)

Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry as a Tool for Tracking Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Variability

14th Stem Cell Society Singapore Symposium 2022, Singapore



Jerome Tan Zu Yao (NTU), Jiahui Chen (NTU), Daniel Roxby (NTU), Wai Hon Chooi (A*STAR IMCB), Tan Dai Nguyen (SMART), Ng Shi Yan (A*STAR IMCB), Sing Yian Chew (NTU), Jongyoon Han (MIT)

Label-free assessment of differentiation efficiency in iPSC-derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells via Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry (MRR)

14th Stem Cell Society Singapore Symposium 2022, Singapore



Daniel Roxby, Jiahui Chen, Jerome Tan Zu Yao, Tan Dai Nguyen, Sing Yian Chew, Jongyoon Han

Magnetic resonance relaxometry as a tool for tracking induced pluripotent stem cell variability

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Conference 2022, Jeju ICC, South Korea.



Jerome Tan Zu Yao, Jiahui Chen, Wai Hon Chooi, Daniel Roxby, Tan Dai Nguyen, Jongyoon Han, Sing Yian Chew

Label‐free assessment of differentiation efficiency in induced pluripotent stem cell derived spinal cord progenitor cells via magnetic resonance relaxometry (MRR)

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Conference 2022, Jeju ICC, South Korea.



Tan Dai Nguyen (SMART), Wai Hon Chooi (A*STAR IMCB), Jiahui Chen (NTU), Daniel Ninio Roxby (NTU), Jerome Tan Zu Yao (NTU), Hyungkook Jeon (MIT), Shi Yan Ng (A*STAR IMCB), Sing Yian Chew (NTU), Jongyoon Han (MIT)

Label‐free and high‐throughput removal of residual undifferentiated iPSCs from their differentiated progenitor cells by inertial microfluidic cell sorter

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Conference 2022, Jeju ICC, South Korea.